Apply To Join

  • What is The Leading Edge: If you're a curious person looking to explore all facets of your personal evolution, The Leading Edge is for you. We are an online/offline hybrid network that will support effective people, using clear language and trusted resources. Memberships is capped at a maximum of 150 people.

  • Who is this for? A high-performing individual lacking the content, tools and network for personal transformation and exploration. You are looking for more, and looking to find the others.

  • How are we different? There are retreats and courses, but there aren’t many communities that help guide and support their members throughout their entire journey. We're inundated with "interesting" content, but rarely any practical applications. We will commit to exploring and implementing the best ideas and practices we can find, together.

  • What can you expect? Exciting online content, backed with the opportunity for real-world change and growth. See Membership Benefits below for the specifics.

This network will be small and hand-picked. We don’t believe in scale for the sake of it.

There are 2 membership tiers:

  1. Network Members get access to all of the above, the small 150 person community, the private WhatsApp, private events and all of the other benefits below.
  2. Executive Members get all the benefits above as well as a tailored 1:1 service

Network Membership Benefits:

This group will be capped at "Dunbar's Number" of 150 people, robustly proven to be the most efficient size for all communities.

  • If approved, members have access to our trusted world-class network of coaches, experts in transformational practices and visionary thinkers.
  • This group will be invited to all in-person events (capacity permitting).
  • Monthly community calls and live calls with our network's experts.
  • Access to the Leading Edge private WhatsApp and learning portal.
  • All supporting content and links will be available, as will any paywalled content.
  • Every month we will poll the community for what they are working on and what they can bring to the group. We will matchmake needs and skills to create win-wins across the board.
  • The most important benefit is that members will have access to each other; a hand-curated group of truly exceptional people.

[Financial hardship options are available on a case-by-case basis]

Executive Membership Benefits:

This group will be extremely exclusive, to ensure the maximum quality experience. This service is aimed at C-suite executives or founders that want a more hands-on experience.

  • All of the Network Member benefits above, as well as:
  • Regular 1:1 meetings & Unlimited messaging with Tom Morgan
  • Corporate presentations and project collaboration
  • First priority access to small private dinners & events

A mutually satisfactory introduction process will lead to twice monthly 1:1 calls with Founder Tom Morgan, and unlimited messaging. Sample testimonials here.